Sunday, August 26, 2007

Hand Tools

acrylic on board
I love old hand tools and watching people work with them who know how to use them well; a skill I have yet to master.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Rose of Sharon

acrylic on board
The Rose of Sharon is in full bloom. It's hard to believe that such a fragile looking plant can withstand our cold Ontario winters but it is doing great in it's third summer.

Things Change

Acrylic on Board
I am constantly blown away by nature. How is a transformation from shell to solid stone even remotely possible. Fascinating!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Wild Apple

Wild Apple
acrylic on board
A certain wild apple tree here on the farm drops its fruit early each year and the ground under it is a solid circle of red bringing to mind Robert Frost's poem "Unharvested" ....the scent of ripeness from over a wall......

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Fresh Eggs

acrylic on board
Our Plymouth Rock hens are getting old but they are still laying pretty well. I pulled these from my barn-coat pocket with a few reminders of where they came from.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Company's Coming


acrylic on canvas

not for sale

This painting is of a compilation of objects which belonged at one time to some of the women in my family tree. My mother used to say that if you spill sugar it means that company is coming. I think there is no doubt in this case.